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Main » Photo album » Vatrogasna Vozila » Ural 375 Pumper
Ural 375 Pumper
Proizvođač: Ural, Rusija
Views: 1217 | Dimensions: 720x512px/42.7Kb
Date: 23-April-2009 | Tags: Ural | Added by: dvdgp
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Rating: 5.0/1

Total comments: 1
1 Orspuevladi   (10-March-2013 8:39 PM) [Unos]
Well, can't they? Didn't Suzuki make a bucket of money off the oangiirl Bandit 600 and 1200? Kawasaki apparently keeps in the black updating models such as the KLR and Concours once per decade. How long has the Hayabusa run, most of a decade with little change? I happen to like bikes that will do many things well, run a long time, and be generally low maintenance with good reliability. Bleeding edge tech bikes built with design factors of 1.01 win races. For my daily ride I'm happy with older, better proven tech. Manufacturing companies make their real money from early and late majority consumers. We need the innovators and early adopters to try and prove or disprove the new tech, but the pace of progress in motorcycle technology may have outpaced the innovation adoption curve for the last decade.

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